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About Us

F-14 LandingFounded in East Hartford, Connecticut in 1964, O&W Heat Treat, Inc. has been providing quality heat treating and brazing services to a growing, international base of 250 customers for more than 50 years. The company relocated to South Windsor, Connecticut in 1980, tripling its size, then expanded again in 2003, providing much needed room for a new inspection lab, shipping/receiving and production.

Traditionally focused on the aircraft engine and aerospace industries, we have successfully diversified our customer base over the last 30 years, and now service the tank engine, industrial laser, electronics, nuclear, medical, automotive, petroleum and computer hardware industries as well.

At O&W, we are committed to continuous improvement in more than just name. While we seek to provide our customers with the quality services, competitive pricing and on-time delivery they expect, we further pledge to continually identify, analyze, develop and implement new and innovative approaches to improve these services, to keep costs low and to accommodate ever-increasing demands for rapid delivery . We invite you to contact us.

USS Nimitz

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©2006 O&W Heat Treat, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
1 Bidwell Road, South Windsor, CT  06074 | Phone: 860.528.9239 | Fax: 860.291.9939 | Email: info@owheattreat.com
Customer Service Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
O&W Heat Treat, Inc. Terms & Conditions is applicable to all purchase orders
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